Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Kicking leaves and catching rays.

Things with Ginger & Mora are going well, which is wonderful. It does mean that I am spending lots of  time running around these days (aren't we all?), balancing a growing business and family life. With so much going on, sometimes it's hard to just sit back, and enjoy the "now".  I guess that's what makes those unexpected "take your breath away" moments so special, the ones that even when you're in a rush make you stop in your tracks. The thing is, it's almost always something simple, free and spontaneous that creates that moment. 

With the change in season from summer to autumn, here in the U.K, we are so lucky to be getting this utterly beautiful early morning and evening light. It just makes you want to bathe in it's rays.  It's impossible, at least for me, not to stop and just take it all in.

With the help of my three year old daughter I have enjoyed some wonderfully simple pleasures this week; from trying to "catch" the early morning rays, to playing amongst those deliciously crisp golden leaves of the season. 


Because the song really is right, "the best things in life are free"...

What simple moments have you enjoyed this week? 

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